Okay, well, I am back. Please bear with me and this blog. My apologies for the long absence, but a lot has been happening in my life and there is still a lot to come. Some of the things that have happened in the past one and a half months are the holidays (of course), a week long road trip/vacation (thank goodness for it), work (unfortunately), planning a cross country move for my boyfriend and myself, and finishing my comic class.
A great thing that has come from my absence is the fact that I have had some time to work on my own comics; slowly yet surely I have been working on a six page story with the characters 'Yarn-Man and Old Lady' that I am fully pleased with both in story and how it's drawn. When I am finished inking and adding the grey tones I will post it here.
Another great thing that I discovered is the fact that I need to take things easy on here. This is my first blog, and I pushed myself to keep an order every week by having a certain amount of posts and I quickly burned myself out. That's also why I took the long break from Dementia Comics. With this discovery I am just going to post in a more relaxed manner; taking it easy and enjoying it for myself. If you want to keep track and be up to date with Dementia Comics you can subscribe to this blog in the side bar to your right.
Here is where I left off in Rodney the Zombie, issue #1. Previously: Rodney happens to be a zombie...and an actor, but has been fired from a movie because he refuses to be a typical zombie; he won't be typecast into a normal role for a zombie or act like every other zombie in the film industry. Upon leaving the studio he waits for the bus, and just his luck, it begins to rain. Hope you enjoy this weeks installment of Rodney the Zombie!
If you need to catch up with this story the dates are:
Set #1: November 8, 2010.
Set #2: November 15, 2010.
Set #3: November 23, 2010.
Set #4: December 1, 2010.
Next Set: Week of January 30, 2011.